TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - You guess correctly >>>
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Subject You guess correctly >>>
Posted by LitlElvis on September 06, 2008 at 11:39 PM
  This message has been viewed 942 times.
In Reply To I Guess even though I already clearly stated in my last posted by Ash's Z on September 06, 2008 at 06:11 PM
Message If you think that a disclaimer stating you are not "trying to smear BDE Performance" will instill some sort of a sense of forgiveness and prevent me from taking direct offense to statements such as: "...what they [BDE] are doing is more of a band-aid to the problem" or, " is not 20 degrees as stated on BDE's website" then you are seriously mistaken. I will counter that my so-called "band-aid" fix is thoroughly backed with scientific research, data analysis, and finally, with multiple independent (un-biased) on-car testing... Is yours?

If your "fix" is indeed what you say it is, then prove it with testing before blowing your own horn so loudly to in effect say "look how smart I am because I spent several hours studying the VTC mechanism, and that other guy doesn't know anywhere near what I do." Because I have spent the last two years researching and testing these devices and I can guarantee that your "fix" was a waste of your time and they will make noise again within several thousand miles. Your public derogatory labeling of my product has given me full right to publicly prove your self-appointed degree in VTC knowledge is in fact gut-based false assumptions that are so typical of most "internet engineers" and the misinformation they post on topics they do not fully understand.

(to be continued...)

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